10/12/23 Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Quail Run PTO Meeting - Agenda & Notes

Oct 12, 2023 6:00 pm Murf's Grille

PTO Officer Attendees: Kodi Snider-McCall (Co-Chair), Tom Pasniewski (Co-Chair), Sherri Whightsil (Secretary)

Absent: Erika Kramer (Co-Chair), Amy Shealy (Treasurer)

Parent Attendees: Kristine Polian, Kyra Gabel, Erin McElroy, Erin Griffeth, Lauren Folkman, Sherene Haddad, Nick Schneider, Blair Schneider

School Attendees: Jordan Walton, Brynee Baldridge, Nicole Dunlap, James Polk (virtual)

Murf’ s Wi-Fi

Network ID: Netgear94

Password: excitedcurtain054

Welcome and thank you for coming!

- Please sign the attendance sheet and grab a nametag

How these meetings will work:

- Quickly work through the agenda items with Q&A’s and any working topics/events.

- Introduce new topics

- General Q&A and visiting at the end of the meeting!

Review of Recent events

Recess Equipment Drive - Goal was to fill the bins that have been placed at school doors for recess. Event was very successful, both bins are full!

Fun Run and Movie Night with 5th Grade Concessions

Fun Run was well attended

Very well received, and 5th grade concessions were very successful, just under $1,000!

Pizza was generously donated by Papa Keno’s, a Quail Run family

S'mores station was a fun addition to this event

Just Food barrel did not have a lot of donations

October 4th All School Assembly and Photo with Student Shirts

Track Club update:

52 participants

As a group, we have run a total of 499.60 miles.

50 participants have earned their 5K mile award

41 participants have earned their 10K mile award

Benches in front of school. Thank you to the anonymous donor, who along with PTO, has donated funds and time to repair and replace the benches in front of the school

Student T-Shirt distribution

Thank you to Tom and Erika for sorting, labeling, and distributing shirts to classrooms!

Discussed possibility of opening up for additional shirt orders.

Staff and families might be interested.

At least one student who needs a larger size.

Additional staff/family shirt orders would be pre-order, pay in advance, with a bulk order sent to Holman. Suggest $10 each, which would cover cost and raise some funds for PTO.

Future years, plan to use same design each year with new dates and colors

Discussed the possibility of printing sponsors on the back to cover or assist with shirt costs

Upcoming Events

  • Dine & Donate Updates

  • Pickleman’s West Location 10/12

  • LBC East Location 10/19

  • Track Club - will not have track club on 10/31 due to students arriving in costumes

  • Fall Parties and Costume Parade 10/31

  • Open to ideas from room parents for party games, craft, snacks, and time filler sheets

  • If all school does same things, only need 1 sign up genius (TBD)

  • Party from 9 - 9:30, with costume parade to follow

  • Party prep night on 10/30 from 5-7. Will gather supplies in totes placed outside classrooms.

Fall Parties

Craft: Paper bag monsters - approved!

Other ideas:

popcorn hands

Use craft supplies to make your own monsters

Q-tip skeletons

Spiderweb sun catchers

Ghost windsock

Plastic bag kites

Coffee filter bats

Paper bag gingerbread houses

Game: Ring Toss with mini pumpkins and glow necklaces - approved!

Other idea: Ping pong ball cup toss


Lauren volunteered to get juice boxes again. Thank you!

Hope to have popcorn donated from Regal

Candy corn

Supplies needed

Construction paper

Googly eyes

Stickers, circles

Glue sticks


Mini pumpkins

Glow necklaces

Follow Ups

Notify room parents and staff of party plans

Create sign up genius. Items due by 10/26.

Call Regal for popcorn donation

Communicate party prep night plans

Committee Updates

Need co-chairs for Carnival. Carnival is Sunday, April 21, rain date on April 28.

Prize inventory and orders

Sign Up genius for volunteer spots

Partner with Silent Auction and 5th Grade Recognition committees

All PTO officers are included in Carnival committee planning

Room Parents - every classroom has at least 1 room parent (woo hoo!)


2024 co-chair - need to start considering options and officers are open to suggestions!

Committees and Chairs expectations:

Each Committee will be assigned a PTO co-chair liaison

All Committees must send representation and provide updates at Monthly PTO meetings.

All Committees must have regular communication/updates sent via email using Google Groups, which include PTO officers

All Committees with a budget must track expenses on Google Sheet provided by the PTO Treasurer. An email was sent to each committee with instructions on how to use the forms to report revenue and expenses, if you did not see an email please let us know.

PTO Co-Chairs Committee Oversight:

Erika - Gardening, Book Fair, Decorating, 5th Grade Rec

Tom - Holiday Charity Drive, Track Club, Walk/Bike to School, Staff Appreciation

Kodi - Family Events, Social Media, Read-A-Thon, Dine & Donate

ALL - Carnival, Silent Auction, (Class Parties)

Attendee Feedback

T-shirt reorders. Please include link in FF.

Sign up genius for staff treats and class party supplies should include ways to donate money

Include a delivery option for donations for staff treats

Post Meeting notes: Tom Pasniewski- (Erika’s replies)


Glow rings tossed onto pumpkins for all-grades game with candy prizes? (Yes, candy corn, parent donated)

Real or fake pumpkins? (Real mini pumpkins 6 per classroom)


Popcorn donated from Regal, Honest juice from Costco (Call Regal for 6+ bags of popcorn 1 week ahead of parties, Lauren Folkmann to get juices for PTO)


Paper bag haunted houses? For younger grades or all grades? (Paper bag monsters, all grades)

Early Finisher

K- “I Spy” page, 1-3 “Code Breaker”, 4-5 “Word Search” (Erika to-do, sent 10/16 to Nicole for print shop)


Read-A-Thon: What’s Your Favorite Book?


We’re Batty about Reading!